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World Wetlands Day 2023

World Wetlands Day is commemorated on February 2nd every year. The day is celebrated to raise global awareness about the crucial role of wetlands in provision of water for people and create awareness among the public about the restoration of vital ecosystems like wetlands on a global level. This year’s theme is "Wetlands Restoration" which highlights the urgency to prioritize wetland restoration.

Nearly, 90% of the world's wetlands have been degraded since the 1700s and losing wetlands three times faster than forests. Some of the threats to wetlands include deposition of pollutants from industries, human activities such as agricultural practices and stream channelization for navigation and flood control.

As an organization, we have participated in wetlands protection and restoration through the use of native species when planting trees to provide an ecological balance of the local wetlands and also participating in programs that help protect and restore wetlands.

Wetland is significant to human life and entire planet life. Let’s rehabilitate and protect our wetlands.