Kiboko sand dam in Makindu ward, Kibwezi West sub-county.

Tree planting exercise in Mbooni West Sub-County.

Our Sand, Our Livelihood

Our Sand, Our Livelihood

Who we are →

Sand harvesting and trade gained popularity as a source of quick cash in Makueni and other arid and semi-arid areas that harbour high quality sand. With a rapidly growing construction industry in towns like Nairobi, Thika and Athi-river ...

What we do →

Supervise and coordinate all matters relating to sand conservation and utilization in the County; Promote the integration of sand related ....

Our Mission

To coordinate, supervise and regulate sand conservation and utilization for sustainable environmental and socio-economic development.

Our Vision

To be a world class Authority in sand conservation and utilization for sustainable development.

Community Empowerment

Echoing from the wise words of Leo Tolstoy ‘One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between man and nature shall not be broken.”, we reaffirm our commitment to restoring our river ecosystems and ensuring we empower people and nature while conserving sand resources.

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Our Sand, Our Livelihood