Managing Director

Dear Reader,
For the past nine years, The Makueni County Sand Conservation and Utilization Authority has provided leadership in curbing the menace of unregulated and excessive sand harvesting from Makueni river beds. The rivers have steadily recovered and sanity restored in the sector that was marred with conflict, over exploitation, thuggery and corruption. Consistently, the Authority has walked an uncharted path, being the only of its kind in the region, to becoming mapped in the global map for its efforts and leadership in sand conservation.
We are committed to ensure sustainable conservation and utilization of sand, providing for the protection of the environment and equitable sharing of the accruing benefits and for connected benefits. At the core of our work is co-management and we recognize the critical role the local community has played in bringing sanity to the sand management space in Makueni County.
Echoing from the wise words of Leo Tolstoy "One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between man and nature shall not be broken.”, we reaffirm our commitment to restoring our river ecosystems and ensuring we empower people and nature while conserving sand resources.
I invite you to read our website, talk to us because we value your feedback as we reiterate our commitment to serving our valued customers.
Urbanus Ndunda
Ag. Managing Director